photo: A.B. Deacon / Collection
The turtle. Diagram of sand drawing on gridline paper

photo: A.B. Deacon / Collection
Lambumbu. Nilambut – the rat drawing

photo: A.B. Deacon / Collection
Two-faced mask

photo: A.B. Deacon / Collection
Two natives standing beside the lower part of a complex tree-fern image

photo: A.B. Deacon / Collection
A Sea Dayak headfeast.

photo: Charles Hose / Collection
Two Kayans wrestling

photo: Charles Hose / Collection
young Sea Dayak

photo: Charles Hose / Collection
Sidvans playing on the nose flute and on a primitive stringed instrument, a busoi

photo: Charles Hose / Collection
Two Kenyah women husking rice with pestle and mortar

photo: Charles Hose / Collection